Odoo • Imagen y texto


A decentralized public organization of the Subsistema de Educación Superior de Universidades Tecnológicas y Politécnicas, which offers bilingual education based on competencies. 

We are a public university distinguished by our BIS modality; we are the only one in the region. We currently have three careers; Environmental Technology Engineering, Robotics Engineering and bachelor’s degree in International Trade and Customs, all in BIS modality, which means that it is bilingual, International and Sustainable.

Our careers have a minimum duration of 3 years and 8 months. All our degrees are bilingual, so when you graduate you can obtain a certificate that proves that you have a certain level of English, which will give you a great competitive advantage over other graduates from other universities.
It is important to emphasize that you do not necessarily have to have a certain level of English to be admitted, if you have the right attitude and disposition, here we help you to improve your level through highly qualified teachers. The limit is set by you, you decide if you want to accept the challenge.
Odoo - Prueba 1 a tres columnas

"We are a public institution of superior education, which shapes professionals in a solid scientific preparation, technological, cultural and with values in a bilingual, international and sustainable environment, capable of responding to the needs demanded by the economic, political and social environment; through the connection with the productive sector, relevant programs based on competencies and the exchange of theoretical-practical knowledge between students and highly qualified teachers."

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"In 2028 we will be the first option for higher education in the northern region of Coahuila, distinguished by the great sense of belonging of our educational community, BIS model and academic quality, generating professionals who are integral and supportive leaders."


  1. Commitment

  2. Integrity

  3. Solidarity

  4. Respect

  5. Responsibility

Odoo • Texto e imagen


Contamos con tres edificios modernos, en donde se distribuyen las diferentes oficinas y aulas equipadas con proyectores y pizarras electrónicas. Tenemos laboratorios equipados para que los estudiantes realicen sus prácticas, de igual manera tenemos salones acondicionados con maquinaria especial para que los alumnos puedan poner en práctica el conocimiento adquirido. Contamos con áreas recreativas para que los estudiantes puedan estar cómodos en su estancia en nuestra institución.